Under the patronage of

Defending yourself from
bullying is your right and we
help you do it
The bullying is a violent and intentional behavior, physical and psychological nature, oppressive and vexatious, repeated over time and implemented towards people considered by the bully as easy targets and unable to defend themselves. In Italy, there are over 35,000 victims of bullying in schools, and concrete tools are needed to help them defend themselves. For this we have created the Convy School App.
If you are a high school student, ask your school to adopt Convy School, defending yourself from bullying is your right

1 in 3 students is bullied
Yes, they are bullying him, they are two against one and they are bigger and stronger.
Wouldn't you like to stop them?
You are, or have been, a student too, and have seen bullies in your school and maybe they've been targeted just you. It happens, according to a Unicef research, al 37% of Italian students between 13 and 15 years old.
And with cyberbullying, which manifests itself in chats and in social networks, the scope of the harassing acts is amplified a excess, also amplifying the humiliations suffered.
With the aggravating circumstance that the bully is recognizable, while the cyberbully is often anonymous and difficult to identify.
Now you can stop them with an App
Use Convy School and have it adopted in your school. The more it is used, the more the bullies will stop harass their victims.
Simple, safe and everyone talks about it well
You use it as WhatsApp
“Let's make it simple to use” is what we thought right away. So we designed it inspired by WhatsApp, one of the easiest apps to use.
Total security
Once the student sends the report, the message immediately disappears from his smartphone and from his Convy School App. Nobody will be able to find out.
For all mobile devices
Convy School can be downloaded from the Apple and Google App stores , and used on any smartphone or tablet available to each individual student.
Total privacy for victims
Each message is protected by military-grade encryption: only the Anti-Bullying Manager can read it because he has the only access key.

Do you work in the school, are you the Principal or the Head of the fight against bullying?
Make life easier for school staff
Okay, you may not admit it in public, but all this technology going into schools sometimes gives you headaches.
Is it true or not?
It was already difficult to print with that blessed printer that always got jammed, we all lacked this new software...
This is why we have also made it simple for school staff who have to manage messages via the control panel. You will see that it is much easier than all those paper forms used to date, more effective and more secure. In short, it is designed to make your life easier.
What about the GDPR ?
Convy School totally respects it